Friday 29 July 2011

Day Five

I'm going to try to be more concise for a bit...

I've received my training and nutrition plan. Apparently I was generally eating only around 2000 calories a day, which probably explains why I wasn't seeing results. For the first 2 weeks that's been upped to around 2700 which basically means I seem to be eating for most of my waking hours. My request that the meals be ridiculously simple has paid off - it's less cooking and more preparation. Although tonight's baked sweet potato left me scratching my head...I went with; step 1 - peel, step 2 - chop up (saves cooking time), step 3 - put in oven. It seemed to work...

The training plan is by far the most intense plan I've had, making me realise how little effort I generally expend there. For instance my cardio has been upped from 20 mins cycling fake hills at about 70rpm to 30 mins of 2 mins at 80% of my limit followed by 1 min recovery. By the end of that I felt like I'd climbed Everest and may have punched the air. But whatever - looking like a twat in a gym comes naturally. 

Oh and the weights stuff is pretty intense and mainly new exercises to me so I had to google them first. The added problem with that is that the weight you can put on to start is laughably small so you inevitably begin by overloading before doing one, wincing, and slyly taking some weight off. 

Right...the promised photos...'s Venezuela - the start point. 

and Patagonia (somewhere near the bottom) - the end point. 

Separated by around 5000 miles of life-changing adventures. 

End. Was that succinct?

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Day Two

Somehow I've managed to stick at this for more than just Sunday night's crazed decision to get things going online. 

Since I last posted I've...

...started a twitter page:

...started a Gmail account:

...and had my first session with my nutritionist. Yes - really. Both people I spoke to about this told me I was wasting my money and that it was obvious when to eat. I understand the principles - Maccy D's is probably not going to get you a six pack and green stuff is good for you but beyond that I'm fairly clueless as to what a "nutritionally balanced" diet is. 

This whole thing is about trying to minimise, as best I can, my ability to gradually lose motivation and find something else to interest me (think of an excitable dog as the perfect analogy). I can make excuses to myself but I think I'll find it harder to make them to someone else. 

Anyway...after Googling "sports nutritionist london" I got in contact with Michelle at to have an initial consultation. Just writing down what I generally eat made me realise that I have no chance if left to my own devices. After a questionnaire and a few measurements she's going to put together a meal plan for me to follow and a training plan. I told her to make it as simple as possible because let's face it, my kitchen skills are severely lacking. I both burnt and undercooked chicken fajitas the other week. Yes it all sounds like I'm taking it far too seriously but if I end up seeing results faster and feel healthier then win. 

The same applies to my knowledge of the gym. I'm sure many people will have read the odd fitness article at some stage and decided that we're experts - well I have - but really I have no idea. At some point when I was about 17 I took up going to the gym over the summer holidays every day and saw some very minor results probably because I was trying to push everything everyday. Whatever the reason I'm sure having a plan organised will really help push things along. 

All of this sounds really positive yeah? 

Well after my rambling first post on Sunday I didn't make it out for a run. I could make an excuse now but I'm not going to - laziness. 

Gym today though went well. Sitting on the exercise bike for 20 mins on intermediate level doing some fake hill thing made me realise how tricky this whole thing is going to be and of course this was all inside an air conditioned gym. I don't expect I could survive 5 minutes of an altitude climb in humid conditions. 

Oh and that brings me onto the last thing. 

Someone told me that they knew someone else who decided to do the same and cycle South America - obviously I was keen to hear how they got on so I asked enthusiastically how they got on. Apparently they're dead. Yep - their lungs gave up half way up a long climb. Great. With that news I'll bugger of to try and work out what to eat before my nutrition plan comes through...

I'll add some pictures and other stuff soon to hide the rambles amongst other visual delights. 


Sunday 24 July 2011

And so it begins...

I've never written a blog before. I've read many. I would hate to think how much time of my life that has taken up but I'm sure it's far more than is healthy. That's really what started this whole idea - procrastination. I'm sure I'm not the only one that spends far too much time sat in this spot, or one similar, aimlessly skimming websites while the hours tick away. At some point it has to stop, surely?

I'm sure everyone has thoughts, once they've ticked off school, college, possibly university, managed to settle into a job with "good prospects" (if they're patient for a few years) and they begin to have visions of mortgage repayments, their friends pairing off and settling down and the biggest adrenaline rush of the day being that moment when you think your boss has caught you on the BBC News website again and you suddenly think - is this it?

I'm aware that that sounds like a big cliche and I expect most of this blog will read that way because whole idea is essentially a cliche.

This is The End of Excuses. A blog about my decision to stop telling myself I will change things tomorrow and actually get up and do it.

What am I going to do?

As the subtitle of the blog suggests - I am going to cycle the length of South America, approximately 5000 miles, in (approximately) a year's time with a guitar on my back.

Why not today, doesn't that undermine what I just wrote?

I wish I was able to! I've never been an "outdoorsy" person. I haven't ever been to scouts (or beavers or whatever they're known as), I didn't do Duke of Edinburgh at school because it looked like far too much hard work and unnecessarily cold and wet. The only camping I've done in the last 5-10 years is at music festivals. The only cycling I've done in the last few years has been on a pub crawl around the New Forest for a friend's birthday and I don't even own a bike at the moment. I go to the gym once or twice a week but generally just sit on the machines, taking far too long between lifting the bare minimum I will let myself get away with before spending 8-10 mins on a treadmill/bike, getting bored and leaving. I did manage to do 8 weeks of solid exercise and healthy eating last year but then I lost the motivation and gave up when Christmas came along.

Why cycling South America, can't I just eat less/move around more without sounding like I've finally lost it?

Probably but no. First of all I've never been. I've never been to lots of places but I've always wanted to go and I've realised that, having started living the 9-5 dream, I don't want to wait until I'm 40, bitter and look back wishing and regretting. I want to achieve something far beyond what I can achieve at the moment and I want a challenge.

Those that know me will confirm that I'm not a particularly patient person, I never read instructions (being male and naturally overconfident in my abilities to assemble Ikea furniture) and I tend to get bored with things very very quickly. A friend of mine recently said I should start a blog called "should-a, would-a, could-a" (I did try that but it was taken) because every time she sees me I have a new crazy idea.

[As an aside, in the past year, in no particular order I've wanted to - write a book, finally write that album, become a documentary filmmaker, become a computer scientist and web entrepreneur, become a social media analyst (that was an odd one...), become a journalist, become a circus performer, go to Thailand and tour with a fire diabolo, become a festival booker, be Lady Gaga's guitarist, become a photographer... I'm sure there are many others but aside from some moves in each of those directions I don't see any of them happening soon.]

Another friend, after hearing this idea, said that he thought I was having a mid-20s crisis (probably true but doesn't everybody?). However if I spend the next X years continuing in this fashion I'm sure I'll regret not doing something sooner and I can't think of a better way to kick myself up the arse and do something epic that 10 year old me would be proud of.

If I'm impatient and unwilling to read instructions I will probably die somewhere along the trip and the only way I can think of mitigating the risk that I give up this idea next week is to just commit to writing a blog and telling everyone I know. They are free to rip the piss out of me endlessly if I give this up.


I'm going to spend the next year going from novice cyclist and an extremely averagely healthy 23 year old with slightly greying hair (is it alright to try Just for Men yet?) to a super-keen, healthy nutcase man living by the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People or something like that without losing my friends, my mind and, of course most importantly of all, my job.

I know I'm not the first person to do that and many have similar done things far more impressive (Google: Mark Beaumont) but this is my goal. If it inspires others then that'd be amazing but I don't have delusions (yet).

I told myself I would write this and then triumphantly go outside and run around for a bit so I suppose I should go and do that now since this has already taken about 45 mins to bloody write.

Here's a link to a Nike advert to inspire the world, I'm sure you can embed these things easily but I've never spent enough time working out how...

ps: I know the layout of this blog is absolutely shocking so I promise to update it soon.